Friday, January 16, 2009

Human Intrest Story

The boy, whose ordeal mirrors that of the character Mowgli from Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book, was discovered by police in Misiones, in Argentina, surrounded by eight wild cats.

Doctors believe the animals snuggled up with him during freezing nights which would otherwise have killed him.

The boy was seen eating scraps foraged by the animals while they licked him, it has been claimed.

Policewoman Alicia Lorena Lindgvist discovered the child by a canal in the Christ King district of the city.

She said: "I was walking and noticed a gang of cats sitting very close together. It is unusual to see so many like that so I went for a closer look and that's where I saw him. The boy was lying at the bottom of a gutter. There were all these cats on top of him licking him because he was really dirty.

"When I walked over they became really protective and spat at me. They were keeping the boy warm while he slept."

Police have found the boy's father who is homeless and said he had lost the boy several days ago while out collecting cardboard to sell. He told officers cats had always been protective of his son.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Through the Eyes of a dog

Hey name is Lucy! Just shortly after I was born all my little brothers and sisters and me of course were all getting looked at by many different people to see if we were going to get bought. I remember seeing this one couple walk in with their daughter and their grandson and after seeing them i fell in love hoping that they would get me, after a couple of minutes the grandson picked me up and said I think you should get this one and sure enough it was ME I was the one they bought. And now i am living as happy as and be and life could not get any better!!!!!!